Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Entangled Dendrites/ Rotten Neurons

I was actually halfway on finishing this entry about my "plans" for a layout but I realized it would be better if I'd just keep my big lousy mouth shut for the moment. So I changed the entire entry. *poof* Don't try asking me what it would be like, because chances are, I would just spill the beans. Besides I don't know how long it would take to actually finish it.


I haven't written any article for the past few weeks. What is wrong with me? I don't know. I need a much intense inspiration from my muse, that is, if I do have one. For one, I am not that depressed (read: suicidal) enough to write about my ever so boring life. You see everyday is just as ordinary and insignificant as the other days that passed by. It's just as bland as the first bite of that infamous hamburger from McDo. Or that limp french fries Wendy's serve. Simple. Boring.

Sometimes I'm thinking about reinventing myself. I wanna try something that even my closest friend wouldn't think I'm capable of doing. A change is most conspicuous when it is unexpected. Any suggestions?