The last time I went to church was when I was in third year highschool. I was raised on a Christian background, but somehow, somewhere along the way, I just drifted away from it. I'm not an atheist, though. Not yet, and I hope I won't be. The mere thought can be really scary. I'm not reluctant to even call myself agnostic because at this point in time, I really can't assess my stand to certain things regarding God, and what I really believe in. Being agnostic is to believe that things about the existence of an ultimate cause, such as God, is unknown and unknowable (thanks to Mr. Webster, here). I'd like to believe that there really is a God, that Jesus, and all the things that were said about him were true. That there really is heaven for good people to go to when they die and hell as a place of torment for people who are plain nasty.
Being in UP just made my already unstable beliefs even more unstable. I began questioning His existence. What if there's no God after all, what if he was just fabricated to comfort other people's fear? The longer I stayed in UP, the farther I drifted. I became even more unyielding to concepts concerning the religious. I may not have voiced it out but I know in my heart that I’m starting to see all these things pragmatically. Somehow I became the type of person who wouldn't just swallow everything that you would serve on a platter. I became suspicious, moreso, paranoid. And it freaks me out.
There's this one hypothesis that the belief in such things sprung from the human fear of death. Man doesn’t exactly know what would happen to him when he dies. He has no definitive knowledge as to where his soul (if he really has one) will go. For fear that his existence will just result into nothingness, he conditioned himself that there's life after death. That everything in this world is just a precursor, moreso, an extension of what he would do in the afterlife. And that there's this ultimate being that sees what he is doing when he is alive and this same being will decide the fate of his soul.
Every so often, I still get the compulsion to go to church. To go inside the chapel whenever I pass by. I still don't want to go to mass, though. I don't want to conform to the ritualistic norms of the church. I still avoid being with so many people, a lot of which I still suspect as hypocrites. I just want to be there when there are no people around, when everything is so quiet and peaceful. Maybe I will pray. I don't know.
I prayed my last, just before the previous semester ends, before a removal exam for a major subject. I was really desperate then. And to my surprise, it worked! There must really be a God up there. I was so surprised, I exclaimed, "Mahal pa pala ko ng Diyos." Is that a consolation? Who knows?