Sunday, March 31, 2002

Easter Sentiments
It's Easter Sunday!... Just like any other Easter Sundays...

The only thing that's quite unusual is the constant bombardment of the news from the picture tube of the death of Rico Yan, the wake, and all that stuffs.
You know, the usual things that people do when a celebrity dies. Why can't they just let the grieving family on their own? Well, maybe that's the price you have to pay for being a public figure. You won't have the privacy even in your last hour.


Last wednesday's was the last gimik of the barkada, for the sem, at least. After two sems of kasentihan, gimiks, endless stories, movie marathons, Mang Jimmy's, LB's, Katips, Khas' (arcade's, Persian's or whatever), the time came for each and everyone to bid farewell, at least for the meantime. I know it's not the last, it can't be.

My former roommate and I have been roomates for 2 and a half years. And in that span of time, we rarely talk to each other. I don't know, there's just something in the set-up that made us do so. Quite weird actually. A week may pass and we just gave one another a glance. That's it. NO words, whatsoever. Pretty pathetic, as we say. hahahah. When we talked about those times, my roommate and I just can't help but laugh. And sigh. Imagine the times that we've wasted. We've been roommates but we don't even know each other's birthdays!
Until last sem, when I was forced to move to the room opposite ours. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise because that was the only times that we really got to know each other along with others that became part of our group. I know now that he abhor raisins, that his birthday is on March 21, that he doesn't like Robin Williams, that he is a film buff, that he is a "Friends" fanatic... little things that describe his personality.
I don't know if I would still see them during the summer. They say the friends you made in college are, most probably, the same friends that you will have for the rest of your life. Would it be true? I don't know. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.